Saturday, July 9, 2016

Stop Palestinian PORN!

It's known "a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." However, in the world we're living in no one cares about truth and facts in the first place. People only care about stories, feelings, emotions, perceptions. You know, "narratives". This is the reason the Palestinian propaganda machine is so successful. However, much like other massive lies, the seemingly unstoppable colossus of Palestinian propaganda, stands on weak, brittle, hollow clay legs. An academic analysis of the endless parade of Palestinian moaning and whining reveals there are four such "legs", four major themes, on which everithing else rests. It is enough to shatter one for the entire structure to crumble, however knowing and seeing all can get you immunity from Palestinian lies for good.
This article will suggest a framework of recognising, understanding and dealing with the Palestinian propaganda machine, by exposing the four "legs" at the base of this colossus.

At the foundation we can always find four myths: the myth of Peoplehood, the myth of Occupation, the myth of Refugees and the myth of the Nakba.
Yes, you got it.
Every Palestinian lie is inspired by Palestinian PORN.
Every Palestinian narrative relies on Palestinian PORN.
Every Palestinian agenda is based on Palestinian PORN.
Pro-Palestinian activist groups? They're spreading Palestinian PORN.

All Palestinian propaganda is based on PORN.

Let's analyze Palestinian PORN and expose it for what it is.

The myth of Palestinian peoplehood goes along the lines of "a proud, ancient, indigenous Palestinian people predating Israel", which doesn't make any sane person with any basic clue burst into laughter, because Political Correctness poisons such notions as truth and knowledge.

The most basic, simplest way to destroy this fallacy is to ask about the history of such a wonderful, ancient people. No need to go all ancient history (you know, like the Jews can), just some basic stuff. Who were the Palestinian kings in the 14th century? Who were the prominent Palestinian poets of the 17th century? What was the Palestinian coin of the 19th century? What, nothing?

If you're lucky enough to find somebody, who's actually willing to discuss facts, you can point out to them the word "Palestine" comes from the Hebrew word for "invaders" (oopsie!) and was originally describing an ancient Greek people, that has nothing to do with modern day Arabs. You can explain them the late 19th century - early 20th century Arabs of the area were mostly promoting Pan-Arabism with absolutely no idea they were secretly "Palestinians". You can show that after declining the UN given opportunity of establishing an Arab state in 1947, they never identified themselves as such "Palestinians", until late 60s when the notion of Palestinian self determination was really born - as a political tool against Israel. Then they can perhaps understand that without Zionism and without Israel there'd never be a "Palestinian" peoplehood.
But you shouldn't count on meeting someone like that too often.

Bottom line is, if Palestinians want self determination - Ahlan wa Sahlan!
But be honest about it, about your origins and your timeline. Otherwise, you're just spreading PORN.

Mahmoud Abbas is a slave to PORN. Photo credit: SPA. 

"Israel breaks international law by occupying and building in the West Bank, which is an affront to Palestinian human rights and all humanity."

Well, a winning narrative is winning narrative.
To factually combat it, one has to explain what international law is, then that Israel has the best claim to Greater Israel under international law, that the territories in dispute never legally belonged to anyone before Israel, that even if it did occupy the lands, occupation in and of itself is perfectly legal, when the neighbors pose a threat to the country, that chronology matters and all of it - the wall, the checkpoints are a result of Palestinian actions, moreover a result of the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, that didn't even exist before the the 90s, and that since the two disputing parties signed an agreement regarding the territories at The Oslo Accords, any occupation that there might have been before - ended and a new phase began.

But who cares about that? That's just a bunch of pesky, boring historical and legal facts.
It's much easier to scream "occupation"! Especially, when one has no idea what that word really means.

More interestingly than trying to wage a factual argument with PORN fans, The Occupation Myth is used to justify Palestinian terrorism ("it's honorable resistance, if it's an occupation", you see), which makes me wonder what was causing Palestinian terrorism before 1967? What was causing Palestinian terrorism before 1948?
Ugh, that annoying cause and consequence thing again!

Even more interestingly: Who France, Belgium, Spain, Russia or the United States are occupying? What drives Islamic terrorism there? What drives ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram? What drives the mad rape epidemic all over Europe?

Is it "Israeli occupation" as well?
Rest assured, many PORN aficionados will be quick to explain you that it is.

According to the Larousse French Dictionary, 1939 edition (almost a decade before the establishment of Israel), this was the flag of Palestine. Tell me again how is Israel is an "occupant"?

"Israel is denying the "basic right" of some 5 million refugees to return home *since 1948* keeping them in poverty. There can be no reconciliation until Israel provides a *just* solution to the refugees."

Guess what?
No such thing as "Palestinian refugees" in the world!
There are two UN refugee agencies. One, UNHCR, exists for all of the refugees in the universe and is mandated to find them new homes. The other, UNRWA, exists exclusively for Palestinians and is mandated not only to perpetuate their refugee status (!), but also to pass it on to next Palestinian generations - hence the outlandish 5 million number. Sounds crazy? Just put their internet "about" pages one next to the other.

The existence of UNRWA in 2016 is an affront to international law, a money laundering scam, depriving world governments (that's world taxpayers - you and me) of their funds and quite simply an act of contempt to the intelligence of the general public - everywhere. A horrid example of an international body taking over and putting itself above the law.

More fun facts about "Palestinian refugees"?
A Palestinian "refugee" can be a citizen of a third country and still remain a Palestinian "refugee"!
A Palestinian "refugee", unlike any other refugee in the world, can be filthy rich!
A Palestinian "refugee" can be *born* in a third country!
A Palestinian "refugee" is still a "refugee" since 1948! All other refugees of that tumultuous, post WWII, time were resettled.
UNRWA is the main employer in the Palestinian territories!
Among UNRWA employees in Gaza, many are Hamas members!
UNRWA employees have immunity under Palestinian law - they're literally above the law!
UNRWA employees use that immunity, among other things, to sexually harass Palestinian women!

For more on UNRWA and the "Palestinian refugees" canard, read here.

"Israel was born in sin, occupying and kicking out indigenous population! Thus, Israel has no right to exist!"

A sort of an uber myth on its own, comprised of many elements, it ignores on the most basic level, in the best traditions of Goebbels propaganda tactics, context, cause and concequence, chronology. In a nutshell, Arabs refused diplomatic solutions. Arabs attacked. Arabs planned a genocide of Jews. Arabs lost. Arabs brought their tragedy on themselves. Arabs' defeat and population exchange in 1948 is in no way more unique, than any other similar defeat or population exchange of the time. In fact, it's much "less unique" by every measurable parameter. Here too, only one group whines and moans professionally about their loss till today. You guessed which.

For more on the Nakba farce, read here.

Now you have better tools to identify and combat Palestinian propaganda in the information war it wages against Israel.
Remember, PORN is immoral.
PORN is wrong.
PORN is bad for you.
Overexposure to PORN may cause BDS symptoms.
One cannot spread PORN and be a decent person at the same time.

Protect your children!
Left to right: UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness, BDS founder Omar Barghouti (top),
Electronic Intifada founder Ali Abunimah, author Reza Aslan (bottom). 

Stop #PalestinianPorn!
Use your head!